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High compatibility with recycled EVA

Ecomax™ Products

Ecomax™ 5188A

Provides cost saving and gloss reduction for replacement of IP EVA/POE foam in footwear applications without trade-off properties.

Ecomax™ 8000

Provides cost saving benefits through higher expansion of molded EVA foam including EVA scrap containing formulations without trade-off properties.

Ecomax™ 8000A

Cost saving through higher expansion compared to Ecomax™ 8000 for molded EVA foam (especially for die cut midsole and sock-liner foam) including EVA scrap containing formulations without trade-offs on properties.

Ecomax™ 8188

Provides cost saving, EVA Scrap acceptance, good adhesive bonding, and good processability to replace EVA in polyolefin based molded foam.

Ecomax™ 8388

GMA(glycidyl methyl acrylate) based polymer with cost saving through higher expansion compared to Ecomax™ 8000 for molded EVA foam (especially die cut midsole and sock-liner foam) including EVA scrap containing formulation without trade-offs

Ecomax™ 5188A

Provides cost saving and gloss reduction for replacement of IP EVA/POE foam in footwear applications without trade-offs on properties.

Additional benefits include:
• Minimum 15% cost savings through lower price of the product & improved productivity
• Environmentally friendly with acceptance of recycled EVA foam scrap
• Reduction of raw material cost with a higher acceptance amount of recycled EVA foam scrap.

Material Features

• Gloss reduction
• High resilience
• Thermal stability
• Good adhesive bonding

Target Applications

• Sock-liner
• Midsole(die-cut)
• Sandal
• Industrial foam

Typical Properties

• Density (g/㎤): 1.86
• Melt Flow Index (g/10min): 1.0~2.0
• Melt Point (℃): 93
• Hardness (Shore D): 40~42

Use Recommendations

• For use as a replacement of EVA or POE at 30 ~ 50 phr
• Decrease dosage for blowing agent(20%) and DCP

Ecomax™ 5188A can be processed on equipment normally used for EVA.
Sufficient time and temperature must be applied to get good melting and dispersion of the EVA, scrap, Ecomax™ 5188A and other ingredients.
Best processing and properties were achieved under the following conditions:
• Control kneader mixer temperature at 80℃
• Charge all ingredients(except DCP and blowing agents) to mixer
• Mix to 115℃ (temperature increase from shear rather than applied heat, if possible)
• Add more compounds into press mold (6~12%)

Troubleshooting Guidance

1) Pin hole or air jacket
• Cause: Over curing
• Solution: Reduce DCP dosage, Decrease molding temperature
2) Foam surface not smooth
• Cause: Insufficient flowability
• Solution: Increase processing temperature, Reduce DCP dosage(slightly)
3) White spot on the foam
• Cause: Insufficient mixing
• Solutions: Increase mixing time, Add lower melting materials at the end of processing

Ecomax: Features

Ecomax™ 8000

Provides cost saving benefits through higher expansion of molded EVA foam including EVA scrap containing formulations without trade-offs on properties.

Additional benefits include:
• Minimum 15% cost savings through lower price of the product & improved productivity
• Environmentally friendly with acceptance of recycled EVA foam scrap
• Reduction of raw material cost with a higher acceptance amount of recycled EVA foam scrap.

Material Features

• High expansion
• Increased Melt Strength
• Better adhesive bonding
• High resilience
• Light weight
• Good compression set

Target Applications

• Midsole(die-cut)
• Athletic shoes die cut mid sole foam and insole foam
• Sandal foam
• Other Industrial foam

Typical Properties

• Density (g/㎤): 1.46
• Melt Flow Index (g/10min): 1.5
• Melt Point (℃): 90~110
• Hardness (Shore D): 48

Use Recommendations

Improved dispersion by increased Ecomax™ 8000 dosage
1) Scrap portion : 20 Phr
2) Ecomax™ 8000: 0, 5, 10, 15 Phr

• Weight amount of calendered sheet stock to be put into the compression mold should be increased 5% otherwise foam will be under-cured due to the low weight of sheet stock.
• With 10~15 phr of Ecomax™ 8000, foam molding can achieve 200~220% expansion ratio to maximize cost saving benefits providing 15~20% higher production yield (bigger foam can produce 6~8 pairs more of die cut foam per foam sheet)

Ecomax™ 8000 can be processed on equipment normally used for EVA

Sufficient time and temperature must be applied to get good melting and dispersion of the EVA, Ecomax™ 8000, and other ingredients.

Best processing and properties were achieved under the following conditions:
• Control kneader mixer temperature at 80C
• Charge all ingredients (except DCP and blowing agents) to mixer
• Mix to 110C (temperature increase from shear rather than applied heat, if possible)
• Dump batch to mill

Ecomax: Features

Ecomax™ 8000A

Cost saving through higher expansion compared to Ecomax™ 8000 for molded EVA foam (especially for die cut midsole and sock-liner foam) including EVA scrap containing formulations without trade-offs on properties.

Material Features

• High Expansion
• Lightweight

Typical Properties

• Density (g/㎤): 1.15
• Melt Flow Index (g/10min): 2.5
• Melt Point (℃): 95
• Hardness (Shore D): 55

Target Applications

• molded EVA foam (especially for die cut midsole and sockliner foam)

Use Recommendations

Dispersion improved by increased Ecomax™ 8000A dosage
1) Scrap portion : 20 Phr
2) Ecomax 8000A : 0, 5, 10, 15 Phr

Ecomax: Features

Ecomax™ 8188

Ecomax™ 8188 is a masterbatch compound containing specialty polyolefins/nano filler alloy resins, which offers:
• EVA replacement in polyolefin based molded foam in footwear applications for cost saving benefits
• High compatibility with recycled EVA scrap
• Good resilience and low compression set

Material Features

• High melt strength
• Thermal stability
• Good resilience
• Good adhesive bonding
• High recycled EVA acceptance

Typical Properties

• Density (g/㎤): 1.27
• Melt Flow Index (g/10min): 1.6
• Melt Point (℃): 89~92
• Hardness (Shore D): 49

Target Applications

• Athletic shoes sock-liner foam
• Sandal foam
• Other industrial foam

Use Recommendations

Ecomax™ 8188 can be processed on equipment normally used for EVA
Sufficient time and temperature must be applied to get good melting and dispersion of the EVA, Ecomax™ 8188, and other ingredients.

Best processing and properties were achieved under the following conditions:
• Control kneader mixer temperature at 80C
• Charge all ingredients (except DCP and blowing agents) to mixer
• Mix to 120C (temperature increase from shear) rather than applied heat, if possible)
• Add more blowing agent for higher expansion

Ecomax: Features

Ecomax™ 8388

GMA(glycidyl methyl acrylate) based polymer with cost saving through higher expansion compared to Ecomax™ 8000 for molded EVA foam (especially die cut midsole and sock-liner foam) including EVA scrap containing formulation without trade-offs

Material Features

• Fine cell structure
• High melt strength
• Excellent filler acceptance including EVA scrap
• High expansion (higher than Ecomax 8000)

Target Applications

• Sock-liner
• Midsole(die-cut)
• Sandal

Typical Properties

• Density (g/㎤): 1.15~1.25
• Melt Flow Index (g/10min): 1.9~2.5
• Melt Point (℃): 95~98
• Hardness (Shore D): 51~55

Use Recommendations

1) Replace 30~ 35phr of EVA and POE with Ecomax™ 8388.
2) Put Ecomax™ 8388 and EVA Scrap in the first stage of compounding.
3) Add more blowing agent (25~30%) for higher expansion ratio.
4) Reduce Stearic acid dosage (30~50%).
5) ADCA (JTR or DX-74) type blowing agents can be used.
6) DCP dosage need to be optimized.

Ecomax: Features

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Ecomax: Contact

Creative Polymer Solutions Technology


South Korea, Seoul, Sincheon-dong, 10 Olympic-ro35ga-gil, A 511 Jamsil The-Sharp-Starpark 05510

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